I suppose it can seem a bit of an old and tired cliche to say that was the beginning of my life, all over again like deja vu sort of. Hardly the first time in history, but when it happens to you, it IS kind of cataclysmic or it can seem that way without question.

Joey always has had that effect on me. One minute we are humming along living life as we do on a daily basis and the next he will say or do something and it feels like life just stopped and is about to begin all over again.

That is the way I felt that day in the Mall. Up to that point, Joey and any possible life with him or even without him was kinda a fantasy world. You know? Course you do. It happens to all of us especially when we are young, yet to fall truly in love, but hopeful and suddenly without warning it happens TO YOU. KABAM. There he or she stands just waiting for you to arrive, and looking like the first coming of the most beautiful human being you have ever seen. Right? Course I am.

Well, that day I looked up the Mall corridor at this young dude I had never met, seen only once, but who affected me like NO ONE ELSE EVER HAD just by his presence, (and I was sure he was a present to me from Santa or somebody), and I was done. OH HELL YES! Drawn and quartered. Lost in a place forever oh so in a time in space reserved ONLY for those of us lucky enough to find ourselves...TAH DAH... falling in love. It is an experience LIKE NO OTHER, and anyone who has succumbed to the LOVE FAIRY, KNOWS that.

So there I was. ALL internally giggly and mentally reverted to 'in the crib' mode, and not having a clue what was about to happen.


All I knew at this point was we seemed to have started something but what I wasn't too sure. I only knew one thing. I...was...his, I belonged now to Joey, and I WANTED to start whatever it was and go where life and he took us. I STILL feel that way. He says and I do cause I know he would never hurt me. His constant love proves that. I wouldn't either and he knows it too. Trust. Love + Trust equals fantasia.

We did ditch our posse's and I am sure left both groups of buds standing in our wake scratching their heads..having NO clue what they had just witnessed or why. I didn't know at that moment whether Joey's friends knew but I was pretty sure mine didn't. See MY group of ninja buttheads are all from upscale families, live upscale lives with plenty of everything except a clue. I can't explain it but me and the rest of them are kinda bonyheaded. I have traveled all over Europe and Mexico and elsewhere but always with my 'rents. Never off on my own and mother in particular sheltered me. Much to dads consternation, but she always won out. The rest of the posse had not traveled as much as me and I don't know. We just weren't terribly self-aware and oddly, they are all 3 years older than me cause I skipped 4 grades and only our friend Drew had skipped ANY and he only 1.

Joey took my hand and without a word to anyone turned toward the exit and we walked away. Hand in hand, almost snuggled we were walking so close together that to the casual observer I am sure they would think we had been a couple for just forever, not virtually minutes...and at that moment I had NO fear of what anyone would think seeing us and that was that. THIS was my new life and even as young as I was I KNEW what this meant. Forever, with the most awesome dude on the planet and DAMN that felt good. I was convinced JOEY AND MOI were forever. Frankly? Still do.

We walked out of the store, down the corridor, and out through the Mall entrance to the parking lot where we FINALLY got to his wheels. OMG, HIS WHEELS.

Get this. My dreamboat walked me up to his car, with his hand holding my hand the whole way and then reached toward the passenger door handle of the most incredible smoky black Chevy Camaro convertible EVER. All understated elegance and RAW POWER under the hood I was sure. Behind the wheel AND under the hood. KEWL BEANS.

I got in and after closing my door he did handsprings across the hood and got in on his side. We sat, and then he turned, grabbed me and planted one on me so to speak that left powder burns on my tongue.


He put the key in the ignition and that absolutely FABulous engine ROARED to life almost in the same way I had when he first kissed me. It had that same feel to it, and after clutching the shifter we began to move. I had no clue what he had in mind for us that sunny afternoon, nor frankly did I give a crap. As long as I am with Joey, it doesn't matter. Didn't then and still doesn't.

                                              CHAPTER V - THE SAGA TAKES OFF RUNNING
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